How to Accurately Size Your Ring

Your engagement ring is one of the most important and largest purchases in your life which is generally worn on an everyday basis. Also, an engagement ring is untypical as it is more head heavy than other rings you probably wear or have worn. Because of all of this, it is critical that your engagement ring is personalised and sized correctly just for you. There are a number of measures that you can take to ensure that your ring is sized correctly the first time. First, you need to decide who you are in terms of your daily use of your ring. Some take it off every time they walk, every time they go to bed, every time they shower etc. If this is you, you may not want your ring quite as tight because multiple removals each day may result in aggravating and skinning the knuckle. If, on the other hand, you are the sort of person who tends to wear your ring constantly and rarely takes it off, you can wear your ring more fitted or a tighter size. This holds distinct advantages.

1) Your ring will be more secure on your finger with more resistance over the knuckle even when your fingers are cold and wet.  

2) It could help to reduce spinning as your engagement ring is usually more top heavy than typical rings. Depending on your anatomy, many have a much more pronounced knuckle and a more slender area where the ring is worn. Because of this, even if a ring is tight over the knuckle, it will often spin in a fitted size. Another great option is to install bars on the inside of the bottom of the ring which will help grip the finger and reduce the tendency for the ring to spin.

3) Wearing a ring constantly virtually eliminates the risk of loss by leaving or forgetting it somewhere.

Rings should never be sized when you are extremely cold or extremely hot. Something that is best to make allowances for is for hot days when your finger swells, but it is best to size your finger when they are room temperature as your finger size is mostly in the “mid stream range” of temperatures. If a ring is slightly tight when hot or slightly loose when cold, these are the variances which are very occasional in the climate that we live in. These extremes should be not regarded as best sizing practices. Otherwise, it won’t fit properly most of the time.

You should choose a ring sizer which is closest to the width of your ring. If your ring is wider than the sizer it will fit tighter even if it is the same size. It also holds true of engagement and wedding rings when worn together. The collective width makes them feel tighter. To combat this, some choose to intentionally size the wedding band slightly larger to provide more room, as most wear the wedding band on the inside. You should work with a qualified jeweller who will size to preferably 1/8 size increments upon your request or needs.

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